North west’s best

North west’s best

Six Circular Head locals represented the region as part of the north west side in April. 

Mason Brown, Austin McLaren, Nash Walker, Michael Innes-Smith, Jakhan Wells and Jaylan Bryan were all asked to take part in a rigorous selection process. 

Trying out was no easy feat, with all six of the boys travelling to Ulverstone frequently for training sessions and practice matches. 

After hours of training and hundreds of kilometres clocked by parents, the full squad was released and the boys discovered they made the cut.

Next, it was a trip to Penguin to play against the northern team. From this match, AFL Tasmania selected a combined north and north west side to take on the state’s south. 

Mason, Austin, Nash and Michael were picked up for this match, heading to Campbell Town to take on south. It was a nerve wracking prospect, with AFL Tasmania scouts watching on to select the state squad.

Weeks later, AFL Tasmania released a list of 35 players that would be split into two teams for one final selection game. From this match, the scouts would choose the best 22 to take to Perth, Western Australia for the state championships.

After the match, the boys had a nervous wait ahead of them before the squad was released. 

Fortunately, Circular Head was well represented within the side. Mason and Nash both made the team and Austin has been named as the first emergency. 

The squad travels to Perth in the first week of August to take on Under 12 sides from all over the country over the course of seven days.

Excited to have the opportunity to represent the state’s north west are (back) Mason Brown, Nash Walker, Jakhan Wells, (front) Jaylan Bryan, Austin McLaren and team captain Michael Innes-Smith. 
